To help us plan better, please purchase your ticket(s) by Sun., October 20. Limited tickets at the door. Click here for flyer with all the delicious details!
To help us plan better, please purchase your ticket(s) by Tues., May 14. Limited tickets at the door. Click here for flyer with all the delicious details!
Our Lady of Loreto celebrated our Patronal Feast on Thursday, December 7 at 6 p.m. at the Vigil Mass of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation), followed by a reception in the parish hall. At this special celebration of our Patronal Feast, we welcomed for the first time to our parish Bishop Richard G. Henning to celebrate the Vigil Mass of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary!
In order to properly prepare please fill out the form (click for form) and return it in next week’s Collection Basket or drop it off at the Rectory. Please R.S.V.P. by Sunday, November 26.
To help us plan better, please purchase your ticket(s) by Sunday, October 1. Limited tickets at the door. Click here for flyer with all the delicious details!
To help us plan better, please purchase your ticket(s) by Sunday, May 14. Limited tickets at the door. Click here for flyer with all the delicious details!
Any Parishioner interested in donating a gift basket for the raffle, or a baked item for the breakfast, (either would be much appreciated) please call the office at 401-434-3535 and let us know what you will be donating.
Parent Meeting and first day of classes being held on Tues., Sept. 13 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Classes will be held three times per month, schedule and more information available at a later date. Please complete and return registration forms to the parish office by Fri., Sept. 2. Thank you!
Please know that there was a slight error in the recent bulletin relative to Saturday Masses. The correct Mass times are: 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM Bilingual Brazilian Mass. Thank you!
Classes are "Scripture" (The Passion, Death, and Resurrection) and "The Holy Eucharist," Wed., March 30 and Wed., April 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. All are welcome to join us to reflect on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Eucharist. Registration required. Click for more.